The Grand Hyatt - Interior Design

Main Hurdman's Headquarters - Corporate Design

Realtors Open Second Art Show at One Penn Plaza - Realty

Corporate Collecting Downtown: Part III - Anne Coffin, Downtown, Published by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council

Eight Visions - Judd Tully, Art/World

Critics Notebook:Developers Play Dress Up With Art - Grace Glueck, New York Times

Vintage Art After Thirty - Patricia Bailey, Art/World

Newscapes-Land and City/States of Mind - Michael Brenson, New York Times

The Building as a Museum - Real Estate Forum

Newscapes - Piera Paine, Art/World

The New American Landscape - Hearne Pardee, Arts

One Penn's Art on the Tracks - Glenn Lone, The West Siders

Art Works at Penn Plaza Refuge for Wide Audience - Joan Shepard, Daily News

Seven Sculptors at One Penn Plaza - Vivien Raynor, New York Times

Chromatics - Roberta Smith, Village Voice

Art Riview - Ellen Mclaughlin, East Villagers

Luxe, Calme et Volupte - Michael Brenson, New York Times

One Penn Plaza Photos - Hart Hooten, Art/World

New York Day By Day:Lobby Sculptures Get Mixed Reviews - Susan Heller Anderson and David Dunlop, New York Times

Contemporary American Still Life - Michael Brenson, New York Times

Still Life Feast at One Penn Plaza - Judd Tully, Art/World

One Penn Plaza Keeps a Good Thing Going - Corporate Art News

Contemporary Images - Don Gray, Art/World

Contemporary Images, 909 Third Avenue - Jane Bell, Art News

Contemporary Images - Real Estate Weekly

If Walls Could Speak - New York Times Going Out Guide

Art: A Political Edge In Neighborhood Show - Michael Brenson, New York Times

Tastemakers - Art/World

Four Shows, Four Hits - Artspeak

Critics Choices - Michael Brenson, New York Times

Animal Life - Art/World

Great Neck Artists Exhibit in N.Y. - The Great Neck News

Nature & Art - David Matlock, Art/World

The Search for Spring - Shirley Evans, Artspeak

New York City Artists - Art/World

Downtown Kinetic - Pittsburgh Gazette

The Color of Money - Interiors

An Evening of Art, Poetry and Music on the Upper West Side - The Music Connoisseur

Staccato Notes - Barry Cohen, The Music Connoisseur

Soiree at the Apthorp - Deborah Sanderveh, The Music Connoisseur

Vive la Soiree - The Music Connoisseur